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Waste Management & Waste to Energy Asia Summit 2024
Co-organized with Biomass & Bioenergy Asia Summit 2024

   click here for registration

(Oct.30th-Nov.1st,  in Jakarta Indonesia)   

 The Waste-to-Energy (WtE) market has grown considerably since incineration first started in 1874. Large markets were established in Europe as well as parts of Asia. However, concerns over harmful by-products of the incineration process, both pollution and public health-related, led to widespread regulatory tightening of dioxin, particulate and refuse fuel emissions, forcing some plants out of business and increasing public opposition to some plant developments.

Despite this, there are renewed growth prospects for the WtE industry. Not only is the world population growing, it is also becoming increasingly urbanised. This leads to greater levels of waste being generated globally, in more concentrated levels and in closer proximity to large urban areas. These issues are focusing more attention on waste management frameworks, with increased interest in alternatives to landfill. As a result, municipalities worldwide are considering the functionality of WtE plants to help deal with mounting waste being generated.

Highlights more >>

     Event Feature:

    International Developing Trends and ASEAN Market Changes

    Dig the potential of Biomass & MSW conversion to energy in ASEAN Region

    Waste Power Generation Practice and Lessons Learned in Asia & Europe

    To Improve the Efficiency of Waste Power Generation Project and Risk Prevention

    Key programme themes included:

    Financing - new models, new partnerships, new revenue streams

    The emergence of the decarbonised city, and the role of heat / cooling and energy from waste within it

    The commercialisation of advanced technologies and the options they offer

    The development of the international RDF / SRF market

    Increasing efficiency in waste to energy through technical advances and optimum operational management

Who should attend this event more >>

    Waste to Energy Asia Summit 2024 Conference and Workshops are aimed at industry professionals who are looking to gain knowledge and information about waste treatment,  Recycling, Landfill, Biological treatment, waste conversion, biomass energy, biogas, WtE power plant and Environmental Issues.. It will be especially relevant for:   

    ☆Government and association        ☆WtE plant operators
    ☆WtE plant design firms                ☆WtE engineering company
    ☆WtE facility providers                  ☆Waste sorting company
    ☆Waste landfill company               ☆Investment Bank
    ☆Consulting company                   ☆Law firm
    ☆Venture Capital,Private Equity


Event at a glance more >>

Time / Date


  2024/10/30 (Day1) 

  2024/10/31 (Day2)

      2024/11/01 (Post)


Waste Management & Waste to Energy Asia Summit 2024

Biomass & Bioenergy Asia Summit 2024




Government Policy on WtE & Bioenergy

MSW to Energy, Power Plant

Biogas & Biomass  to Energy, Power Plant

Site Visit to be announced  


Exhibition Setup

WtE & Biomass energy and Project Update

 Environmental issue & Law, 

Biogas Upgrading & Biogas  

to Energy, Power Plant

